Saturday, February 27, 2010

Where I've Been

This blog title might be deceiving - it sounds like my post will be more philosophical and profound than it really will be... talking abstractly about the journey I've been on.  Sorry, that's not what it's about!

I know my posts have been scarce lately - sorry to those who keep looking for updates!  Things have been busier than I thought they would be.  Things at school really picked up for a few days - between teaching, grading, basketball (practice and conditioning), writing workshop, and other little things that come along, I have actually felt very busy with school lately.

But the most time consuming project has been the work I'm still doing for PhD program applications.  Although the applications were finished and submitted in December, the process requires continual effort even after the applications have been sent.  Starting in January and continuing to this day I have been having phone interviews with professors and students at a number of schools.  At the height of it all, I was having 1-2 interviews on the phone each day.  That may not sound like much, but when it's in the midst of everything else, when it required switching my brain quickly from Liberia to one PhD program to another PhD program, it became really draining.  Most of my online time has been spent responding to emails, reading about programs and professors and students and cities, etc.

The good news, however, is that all of the work has not been in vain!  I have heard back from all but one school, and am waiting on a final decision from one other.  Here's the quick rundown for those interested:
UVA: We talked and decided we were not the best fit for each other - aka, did not get an offer.
Georgetown: The only formal rejection to date.
Penn State University: Accepted, but I have officially declined that offer
Michigan State University: Accepted
Vanderbilt: Accepted
NC State: Accepted
NYU: Accepted
University of Illinois - Chicago: Interviewed, should hear a decision this week or the next.
University of Michigan: No word, but that's OK... I like my other offers :)

So now I'm coming down to decision-making time, which might prove to be the toughest part of this whole process yet.  I'm not complaining - having to decide between all the amazing schools is a wonderful dilemma to have... but it's the next 4-5 years of my life, so I want to end up in the right place.  The good news is, I don't think there's a wrong place, and no matter where I go I'll have moments when I'll wonder what my life would be like if I went somewhere else.  It's crazy and a little stressful and so exciting all at once - I'll update again when I make a final decision.

We are down to just a little over 3 months left here in Liberia (we're pretty sure we're leaving June 11th), so I will try to be more faithful in posting here.  In the meantime, I'm trying not to spend too much time thinking about next fall and concentrate my attention as much as I can on the amazing place I'm already in and enjoying every moment of life in the LIB! 


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I know going on the few interviews I had was exhausting during my thesis last year, but I can't imagine trying to do what you're doing. As I've said before, congrats on all your offers! ;)
