Sunday, May 16, 2010

What I Will NOT Miss

I love Ricks, and I love being here.  I know this is where I was supposed to be for this year and it has become my home.  With that said, I admit there are a few things that won't be too hard to say goodbye to... so here's the list of things I will NOT miss when I leave! 

The Heat.  After sweating profusely for the better part of 10 months, I'm looking forward to the day when I'm so cold I can't feel my face or toes.  Now I realize I am going back to Florida... in June... not exactly an arctic tundra!  However, rest assured that air conditioners will be cranked!  I am, without question, a person who prefers cold to heat - no contest.  The fall in Nashville will be absolutely glorious.

The bugs.  Everywhere, all the time.  Tickle on your arm?  Bug.  Random itch on your stomach?  Mysterious bug bite.  Hear a buzzing?  Flying insect.  I miss the days when a tickle on my skin meant a stray hair - now it inevitably means a bug is crawling on me.  I have killed more bugs of every variety this year than I have in a lifetime.  You know that statistic that says a certain number - what, 3? - of heinous 8-legged creatures will crawl in your ear while you sleep each year... I don't even want to think about how many I've had this year!!!

Fans.  Don't get me wrong - I LOVE my fan.  I would probably say it is the most valuable object I have here.  But I miss being able to be cool without sitting directly in front of a fan.  Have you ever tried grading a stack of papers whilte sitting in front of a fan set on high?  It's tricky!

Power outages.  On average I would say the power goes out 5 - 10 times in a day... sometimes for 2 seconds, sometimes for 2 hours.  The timing is tough on occasion.  At times I swear someone waits outside our bathroom window listening for me to get in the bath and once I'm in and am wet enough that I can't get out, they give the cue to cut the power.  Not really... but I have taken several baths in the dark.  One night I even shaved my legs and washed my hair and everything when it was so pitch black I literally could not see my hand in front of my face.  I'm sure this skill will come in handy one day...       

Telling students to stop talking.  One of the most frustrating things in teaching has been having to say, probably a thousand times, "please stop talking."  Believe me, I've tried every disciplinary measure I can think of, but nothing seems to do the trick.  My classes have definitely improved throughout the year, but the idea that you don't talk when someone else is talking still hasn't been fully realized.

Weird skin problems.  From the most widespread and persistent case of ringworm in history to some weird problem with my lips that made me look like a botox patient, I've had some random dermatological concerns this year!

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